Australian Family Swaps Six-Day Work Week to Travel Country with Kids in Caravan Amid Cost of Living Crisis

 In the face of Australia’s mounting cost of living crisis, one family has made a bold decision to swap their demanding six-day work week for a life of adventure on the road. Fed up with the pressures of maintaining a busy work-life balance, the family of four embarked on a journey to travel around Australia in a caravan, making priceless memories while embracing a simpler lifestyle.

The Family’s Decision

Like many Australians, the family found themselves struggling with rising expenses, housing costs, and the ever-growing demands of their jobs. For years, they had been caught in the cycle of long workdays, leaving little time to truly connect as a family. The desire to break free from this routine and give their children meaningful experiences became the catalyst for their life-changing decision.

“We realised we were spending more time working than with our kids, and we wanted to change that,” the parents explained. “Travelling together seemed like the perfect way to prioritise family and experiences over work.”

Life on the Road

Packing up their home and purchasing a caravan, the family set off on an epic journey around Australia. For them, this wasn’t just about escaping the stresses of daily life, but also about embracing a new lifestyle, one where they could control their costs, spend more time together, and explore the beauty of their country.

The family now spends their days exploring Australia’s iconic landscapes—from the stunning beaches of the East Coast to the rugged Outback—while homeschooling their children and working remotely when needed. The flexibility of caravan life allows them to decide where to settle down for a few days or weeks, based on their family’s needs and interests.

Adapting to a New Way of Living

While life on the road sounds idyllic, it hasn’t come without challenges. Downsizing their belongings, adjusting to the limited space of a caravan, and living on a tighter budget were all significant changes. The family had to carefully plan their finances, relying on minimal expenses and occasional remote work to sustain their journey.

“It’s definitely been an adjustment, but the freedom and quality time we get with the kids are worth every challenge,” they said. “We’ve had to be more conscious of our spending, but we’re saving in so many other areas by not having to pay for a house, utilities, or commute.”

Escaping the Cost of Living Crisis

The cost of living crisis has hit many Australians hard, with soaring inflation affecting everything from groceries to fuel and housing. For this family, travelling full-time in a caravan has offered an alternative solution to high rent and mortgage payments, and rising utility costs.

Living more minimally on the road has allowed them to cut down on everyday expenses. By spending time in national parks and free camping spots, they have found ways to stretch their dollars while still enjoying the beauty of Australia.

Making Memories and Prioritising Family

At the heart of their decision was the desire to create lasting memories with their children and prioritise family time. Instead of being stuck in the daily grind, they are now creating unforgettable experiences, from hiking through national parks to watching sunrises over the beach, all while teaching their kids about the world in a hands-on way.

“The kids are learning so much from being on the road—about nature, geography, and different cultures. It’s an education they couldn’t get in a classroom,” they added.


For this Australian family, swapping their six-day work week for life on the road in a caravan has been a transformative experience. They have found a way to navigate the cost of living crisis while focusing on what truly matters—family, freedom, and creating memories. As they continue their journey across Australia, they hope to inspire others to rethink their work-life balance and explore alternative ways of living that bring more meaning and joy.


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