WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange’s Wife Stella Reveals the State of His Health After Release Following 14-Year Legal Ordeal

 Julian Assange, the controversial founder of WikiLeaks, has been released after a grueling 14-year legal ordeal. His wife, Stella Assange, has opened up about the state of his health following his release, shedding light on the physical and emotional toll that years of legal battles and imprisonment have taken on him.

The Legal Saga

Julian Assange’s legal troubles began in 2010 when WikiLeaks published a series of leaks provided by U.S. Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning. These leaks included sensitive military and diplomatic documents, leading to charges of espionage and other serious offenses in the United States. Assange sought asylum in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London in 2012 to avoid extradition to Sweden over sexual assault allegations, which he denied.

For nearly seven years, Assange remained in the embassy until his asylum was revoked in April 2019, leading to his arrest by British authorities. He was then held in Belmarsh Prison in London while fighting extradition to the United States.

Health Concerns

Stella Assange has been vocal about her husband's deteriorating health throughout his imprisonment. She has consistently raised concerns about his mental and physical well-being, citing prolonged isolation, lack of medical care, and the constant stress of legal uncertainties.

In a recent interview, Stella revealed that Julian’s health has been severely impacted by his imprisonment and legal battles. “Julian has suffered immensely over these past 14 years,” she said. “The constant fear of extradition and the harsh conditions in Belmarsh have taken a significant toll on his physical and mental health.”

Current State of Health

Since his release, Julian Assange has been receiving medical attention to address various health issues that worsened during his time in custody. Stella noted that he is currently undergoing treatment for chronic respiratory problems and other ailments. Additionally, he is receiving psychological support to help him cope with the trauma and stress endured over the years.

“Julian is a fighter, but he is also human,” Stella stated. “The years of confinement and the relentless pressure of his legal battles have left scars. It will take time and care for him to recover fully, but he is relieved to be out and is grateful for the support from family, friends, and supporters around the world.”

Looking Ahead

Despite the challenges ahead, Stella Assange remains hopeful about her husband’s recovery and future. She expressed gratitude for the international community’s support and emphasized the importance of continued advocacy for press freedom and human rights.

“Julian’s case has always been about more than just one man; it’s about the right to expose wrongdoing and hold power to account,” she said. “We will continue to fight for these principles and for Julian’s full recovery and freedom.”


Julian Assange’s release marks a significant moment in a long and arduous legal journey. While his health has been severely affected by years of legal battles and imprisonment, there is hope for recovery with the support of his loved ones and the broader community. As he begins to heal, the conversation around press freedom and the rights of whistleblowers continues to be more relevant than ever 


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